Changing my blog

Hello everybody,

I need something to change. Tomorrow is my birthday and I’m turning 23 already! (Time flies) As a start of my year as a 23-year-old I want to change the content on this blog. From now on I will post 10 pictures that will describe my week. We will see if it works out.Ā 


Dear Readers,

It is time to bring back some life to my blog! Another big event is happening in my life. I am going to move to another place! I have been living in this small little room for one and a half years now and it is time to move on. I am still going to stay in The Hague, but I’m moving a bit farther from school. Just a 20 minute bike ride. I’ll live. šŸ˜‰ But why would I move to a place that is farther to school? Because it’s bigger, cheaper, and I will have roommates! I always hated the fact that I had to cook all by myself and for myself. That is about to change! The 22nd of this month I officially have to move out and hand in my keys. But first off I need to move my stuff! As I am writing this I still have no clue how to do that, since I don’t own a car. Probably would have to call in the troops! (read: friends)

My little room and me.

My little room and me.

I don’t really have a good picture that shows my room now so you guys have to deal with this one. It’s a picture of me cleaning my room. (Digg the cloves?)

I guess now I need to start collecting boxes and such, to collect all the crap I have beenĀ hoardingĀ over the past 1,5 years. I think I need some sort of clutter cleanse, so I can get rid of all the stuff I will never use anyways. Easier said than done though! I suck at throwing away my stuff!

Anyways, now it’s time to catch up on some episodes of Fringe. If you have never heard of that show, here is a little summary:

“Fringe is aĀ television drama centered around a female FBI agent, Olivia Dunham, who is forced to work with an institutionalized scientist in order to rationalize a brewing storm of unexplained phenomena.”


So I will dive into the weird cases that the Fringe Division have to deal with. I will talk to you guys later on how the move will go and any other things that might happen in my life! See ya!

You Gotta Get Up and Try

Since like forever I have been a huge fan of P!nk. She’s been my idol and my first ever concert was one of hers. One of her singles on her latest album is called ”Try” and I really like the message of this song.

Whatever happens, even though you have been hurt a lot, you have to get up and try. Try to make the best of it. That’s actually what I’m trying to tell a friend at the moment. In his case being heartbroken sucks. And I couldn’t agree more, but I also know that you shouldn’t stay in that negative spiral.

I went through some heartache myself too. I was fortunate to have someone tell me to keep thinking about myself and I had my mom to guide me to the positive side of things. Of course you will feel like crap for a long time. Everyone will tell you that time will heal the ache. You won’t believe it, because it hurts so much. But there you are, 6 months, a year maybe a few years later, and it doesn’t hurt anymore. You can finally look back upon good memories instead of longing back to that relationship.

During my journey towards healing, it helped me a lot to talk. I just told everyone how I felt so I didn’t have to deal with it on my own. All those people I told also wanted to help me, so they gave me advice. Some were bad and some were good, but at least I got the support I needed to get through it.

So as you can possibly tell, my advice to all of you out there with a broken heart. Talk. Don’t deal with it on your own. And when you’re down, get up again and go on. In the beginning you might feel that you’re lost, but trust me, that feeling will fade away. Even without having a new relationship. Because after my heartbreak I never had another relationship and I’m doing great!

So going back on the topic of P!nk. She has always been a strong women in my opinion and to finish this post I want to close up with an awesome performance of ”Try” at the AMA’s 2012. I hope this song will inspire you like it inspires me.

School, Vacation and a Soar Throat

Hey Y’all!

This blog post will be about a few things.. First of all, School.
I’m at school on my laptop right now working on some reports that have to be finished this Monday.Ā UnfortunatelyĀ is Ā so much freakin’ work! And knowing me I get distracted easily. So I thought I should go to school and work there, since it’s less distracting to work at school then at home. But still, if you have internet access you STILL will be distracted. I also need to start studying for my exams.. But I will do that after this entry.

This week I’m off from school. (and yes I’m in school during my vacation) It’s really nice to not have class and just chill, but officially this vacation week is called ‘self-study-week’. Since this is the time to study for your exams!! (But it’s still a vacation to me!)

Also as I said in my earlier blog post I had laryngitis, but my throat still hurts. I’m feeling much much much better though. What sucks is that I still can’t sing! I haven’t been able to sing for 4 weeks now! And that’s something I love to do… I guess I just have to be patient and take good care of myself. (Stay positive!)

I guess it’s time for me to work on school again. This needs to be finished ASAP! So talk to you later and wish me luck!


Got to share this one!

This is an awesome remix that I found on youtube a while ago, but a few days ago it popped up in my head again and I thought I should share it with you guys. Let me know what you think!

Learning Objective: The Guitar

Hey Guys!

Yes, I have a new goal! I want to learn how to play the guitar. I actually started today with these four chords: G D Em and C. You can play so many songs with just these four chords. It’s awesome! But now my fingers hurt, so they need some rest. Next week I have a week off from school, so that’ll give me some time o practice.

Does anyone of you play an instrument? If yes, for how long?


Sick,, Three Days Already!

Hi guys,

I haven’t been to school in a few days cause I’ve been sick at home! It all started out as just a soar throat (this was three weeks ago) and it had gotten worse, so I went to the doctor last Tuesday, and guess what? I have laryngitis. Freakin’ sucks! But the doc gave me some pills and they’re starting to work.

But the last 2 days I didn’t do a lot. Also when you’re sick it’s hard to get out of bed. Unfortunately I have to get my act together and work on school. I only have 1,5 week until my tests! I just hope that I’ll feel better tomorrow so I can go to school.

I guess I’ll talk to y’all later!

The Sick Girl

I Apologize

Hey People!

I actually feel really bad… I haven’t post anything in a LONG time… And so much stuff has happened.
I started college and got a room in The Hague . I’m doing great! (Except for some minor money issues)

But student life in The Hague is pretty amazing. I made some awesome new friends and school is nice too.
For school I have to plan a Halloween event. Not for real, but we pretend that it’s for real. It’s really fun to do, and you learn so much from it.

And of course hanging out with friends is so much fun. Below you’ll see some pictures from my first week of school,, (if I’m correct)

Me and Julian

Me and Daphne

So I’m gonna try to post more often, but it’s now 11:30 pm already and I need to go to sleep.. So I’ll talk to you later!


The Ballerina Bun

On Lauren Conrad’s siteĀ [] I came across a ‘how to’ video for the ballerina bun. I really liked the video and tried it myself. Below the results. What do you think of this ‘Ballerina Bun’?